Dear Parents,
It is only by the Grace of Allah SWT that we are achieving one victory after another!
Our young student, Yumna Nadeem of Grade IV recently won a gold medal in the International Kangaroo Science Competition 2017 (IKSC). She is a prize winner on the national level and a Power Bank Winner as well.
Well done Yumna! May you bring more accolades to the school and our country!
However, the good news doesn’t end here. Our students won bronze medals in the competition as well. Their names are as follows:
Usman Khalil (Boys Section) – Grade IV
Fatima Al. Zehra Ansari – Grade III-D
Muhammad Umar Salman – Grade III – E
Muhammad Faraz Hasan – Grade III-G
May Allah SWT grant The Intellect School, more success and make these children a light of Islam in the world. Ameen!
Jazakumullah Khairan,