Dear Parents,
Kindly be informed that as per Sindh Government directives, the last working day for students will be Monday 14th May 2018.
Hence, kindly note the following change of dates –
E L E M E N T A R Y & J U N I O R S E C T I O N
Kindly be informed that as per Sindh Government directives, the last working day for students will be Monday, 14th May 2018.
In this regard activities are rescheduled as follows:
Art & Writing activities (Junior Section):
Friday, 11th May 2018
Indoor Play & Year-End Party:
Monday, 14th May 2018
Report Day:
Time: 9:00 am till 11:00 am
Date & Day: Thursday, 24th May 2018
S C H O O L R E O P E N S (Junior Section):
Monday, 6th August 2018
S C H O O L R E O P E N S (KG-I’s & KG-II’s):
Tuesday, 7th August 2018
S C H O O L R E O P E N S (Nursery):
Wednesday, 15th August 2018
S E N I O R S E C T I O N (Grades IV – IX)
Kindly be informed that as per Sindh Government directives, the last working day for students will be Monday 14th May 2018.
In this regard, the examination that was to be held on the Tuesday, 15th May 2018, will now be held on Saturday, 12th May 2018 – Time: 7:45 am till 12:00 noon.
Other examinations will be conducted as per schedule. Please note the following important dates:
Activity Day (for Grades IV & V):
Monday, 14th May 2018
Paper Review (Grades IV- IX):
Wednesday, 23rd May 2018
Result Day (Parents Collect Report cards of Grades IV – IX):
Friday, 25th May 2018
S C H O O L R E O P E N S:
Wednesday, 1st August 2018
Jazakumullah Khairan
The Intellect Administration