Bringing the STEM Education to Schools

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Neurocomputation Lab

National center of artificial intelligence (NCAI) is the latest technological initiative of Government of Pakistan under the government’s Vision 2025.

We present one of its constituent lab located at NED University of Engineering & Technology, called “Neurocomputation Lab” which offers a platform that unites researchers from biomedical, computer, and electronics engineering to offer unique technological solutions for the first time in Pakistan.


We equip students with 21st century skills in the following technologies


Basic Block Coding

An entry level programming activity that allows children to understand the fundamentals of coding.





App Development

Application Development can promise you the best possible chance for any career goals you seek.





Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning


Artificial intelligence forms the basis for all computer learning and is the future of all complex decision making.




Internet of Things

IoT in schools means a better-connected and more collaborative future for education.





Web Development

High in demand, easy to learn and fun to experience, web development helps you express your creativity on the internet.





involving programming and electronics, is hence an integral part of STEM which acts as an embodiment of DIY and problem-based learning.